Driver-based Revenue Forecasting
An important A3 superpower is its ability to model prices, rates, units, statistics and non-financial drivers of all kinds.
Enterprise Budgeting With A3
- Publish visually intuitive, colorful and compelling forecasting templates for your end users.
- Users enter forecasts from the bottom up or at mid-hierarchy.
- Administer Top Down statistical or financial targets
- Secure your cubes at any level of granularity so end users see only the information they are authorized to see.
- Retain unlimited budgets, forecasts and what-if scenarios.
- Leverage conditional formatting and validation checking to prevent users from overlooking significant discrepancies or entering erroneous information.
- You control their focus on top customers or all customers. You control the allocation rules.
- Updates are interactive; consolidations and summary reporting are instantaneous.
- Set permission by department, product line, region, or account at any level of hierarchy reflecting real world authority
- Interactively layer in the latest actuals to initialize your next rolling forecast