Capital Budgeting
Capital Budgeting
A3 Capital Modeling is an advanced, preconfigured model for forecasting and tracking capital-intensive projects at any level of detail – project, asset, tasks – as appropriate, project by project. Any costs with significant income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow impacts are easily controlled and tracked using A3 Capital Modeling.
- Load source detail from both your fixed asset and project source systems
- Managers “Review” proposed projects and spending and “Approve” them (or not) for the latest budget or forecast
- Admins control expense recognition rules (depreciation and amortization) by asset and task type
- Updates are interactive; consolidations and summary reporting are instantaneous
- Secure your cubes at any level of granularity so end users see only the information they are authorized to see
- Retain unlimited budgets, forecasts and what-if scenarios
- Users “Propose” new projects with inception and in-service dates and detailed spending by asset and task
- In segregated “What-if” scenario, safely explore the impact of approving or rejecting groups of projects
- Tailor A3 Cap Modeling to support your company’s unique workflow and review processes
- You, the admin, are in control with workflow tracking and notifications
- Set permission by department, product line, region, or account at any level of hierarchy reflecting real world authority